A good finish will keep hardwood floors looking brand new. It adds durability and water resistance as it forms a protective coating over the surface of the wood. There are several types of hardwood flooring finishes available in the Denver area which are available today.
Natural Oils
Using oil on hardwood floors is a timeless practice, and is probably the most popular type of finish around the world. Vegetable based oils are rubbed into the floor to create a protective layer and add a natural shine. Oil is a natural alternative for flooring finishes, and contains no VOCs.
Water-Based Urethane
This urethane, combined with resins, offers an excellent alternative for hardwood floors. It dries in a very short period of time, and has a mild odor while drying. This finish offers a hard protective coating, which comes in a variety of sheen levels, and does not yellow over time.
Oil-Based Urethane
This is probably the most common flooring finish used today. It has a petroleum base, and uses a mixture of other ingredients to provide a very durable surface. It will get an amber hue over time, giving it character as it ages. Although it takes longer to dry, it offers an excellent form of protection for hardwood.
Moisture-Cured Urethane
This solvent-based urethane finish is treated in a way which makes it even more durable and more moisture resistant than other flooring. They generally come in more glossy sheen levels, and offer both non-yellowing finishes, and ones which turn amber with age. It is more difficult to apply, and has a stronger odor, but its durability is almost unmatched.
Waxed Floors
Wax is another natural solution for hardwood flooring, and has been used throughout history. It is much easier to apply, dries quickly, and is very cost effective. The wax is applied in coats and rubbed in, absorbing into the wood to give it a protective barrier which has penetrated deep into the wood. After applying, waxed floors can be buffed until they reach the desired sheen level. Some of the oldest Colorado homes still have original waxed floors. They are easy to repair, and can last a lifetime.
In the past, vegetable oil based varnishes were popular, but this has changed since the introduction of urethane finishes. Vinyl-alkyd varnishes are now much more popular than the natural oil-based finish. Synthetic varnishes offer a very hard coating which creates an impenetrable surface to protect your new floors.
Penetrating Oil Sealers
This flooring solution is spread onto the floor, and like wax finishes, is given an opportunity to deeply penetrate the hardwood before the excess is wiped off. The benefit of this finish is that it allows the consumer to choose a color to apply when sealing the floor.
There are many kinds of surface finishes available on the market for hardwood flooring today. For every hardwood floor, there is a finish that will not only complement your new flooring but help it to last a lifetime.